sabato 1 settembre 2007

the more things change the more they stay the same.

On August 4th, about a week ago, at an amusement park, I saw Hanson perform. There, I've posted it. You, dear reader, can not be expected to imagine what a big deal this has been, in the inner workings of Lanie-land. Not because of any remarkable happenings, no --though I did get rather close to Isaac, not one of them even looked in my direction--but because of my reaction. These last two months, it seems that I keep surprising myself over and over, reacting to things in new and unfamiliar ways, and this has had the unfortunate effect of throwing my expectations of my self-knowledge off-course just a tiny little bit. Okay, fine, a bg bit. I know, blah blah blah. Okay, here's the deal: I enjoyed it a lot, but not as much as I once would have. The last few times I saw them, my heart leapt in my chest. But this time . . . no leapy leapy. And for a while I couldn't figure out why, which is the reason I've been having such a hard time posting about it (and that's strange in itself, me not posting immediately about seeing Hanson . . .). I've thought about it and thought about it, and I think the reason they seemed off is because their hearts weren't really in it.Having said that, now I feel bad. I don't mean to say that they didn't sing their butts off for us and do an amazing job, just that, well, they didn't seem too happy to be there. They sang three songs, and then told us to catch them in Tulsa the following Sunday, if we could. After that, zoom, they were outta there.Can't blame them, really. After all, Tulsa's home to them. I'd be in a hurry to get going too. It just surprised me, that feeling. Things are changing too darn fast. Stop the world, fellas, I want to get off.

venerdì 31 agosto 2007

Ramblings in lieu of sleeping

I started to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone a few months before the first movie came out. I had trouble with the first chapter, with getting into the story. Something kept me reading, however, and by the time I was finished I was hooked.I remember being excited by the alchemical references (alchemy being an interest of mine) and impressed and entertained by the intricacy of the wizarding world, even in the first book when it was not nearly so developed as it has become. I adored Dumbledore, loathed Snape, hated Malfoy, and came away from the experience desperate to know more about the lot of them.Lucky for me, I began reading the series with four books already published, and I devoured the rest with an intensity I had not known since my love affair with Jane Austen a few years earlier. I wanted to know everything; who Voldemort really was, what Harry's scar meant, where Ron lived . . . everything. I was not disappointed . . . until I reached the end of Book Four and realized that I now had to wait. I reread and reread as I do the books I really love, and soon I could recite whole scenes. I began to wonder about Snape's history, and began to suspect certain things that turned into theories, some of which were corroborated when Book Five was published. I began to enjoy Malfoy's snarky remarks, and even agree with a few. But Malfoy's the villain! I told myself. Snape's an oily jerk! Myself didn't listen. I don't know when exactly the books became all about Malfoy and Snape for me, but they have. I think it's because of my pre-existing love of Byronic heroes, and those two are certainly on their way to becoming just that (they have all the symptoms, shall we say). It's getting increasingly difficult to hold this opinion about Draco,, though . . . Book Five Malfoy is depressingly similar to his thrice-dratted father--with one important exception. Draco elicits a certain amount of pity from me . . . Lucius emphatically does not.I It's the same with Snape: I empathize with Snape-the-teenager infinitely more than with James-the-teenager, or even Harry-the-teenager, really. I care about them because they in a sense need someone to care about them. Harry doesn't really need my sympathy, he's got the Weasleys, Dumbledore, and the whole of Gryffindor house, not to mention the whole of Hogwarts (minus Slythies) behind him. Snape and Malfoy don't have anyone.You could argue that Draco has his "gang" and his parents, but I would dispute it if you did. Having subordinates is not the same as having friends, and Draco's parents care more about Draco's duty as a son than about him personally (IMHO). As for Snape, friendship seems to have always been about power for him, in the same way, perhaps, as Peter Pettigrew. He joined the Death Eaters for protection against the James Potters and Sirius Blacks of the world, and how sad is that? Dumbledore trusts him and defends him, but treats him more like a spoiled child than a friend. Much as I like to entertain the thought of a friendship between McGonaghall and Snape, I think the movie is clouding my judgement there. Maybe, though, there is a sort of rivalry between them that is more friendly than either of them knows. I hope. I like to think that. But I wouldn't bet on it.

giovedì 30 agosto 2007

The Great Closet Clean-Out 2004

Yep, it's that time again. Time to clean out le boudoir de moi, starting with that most upsetting, emotion-stirring, and memory-ridden of spaces: the closet. *cue scary music* What on earth made me venture into and presume to tame that cavernous black hole, that collection of odds, ends, and dilapidated T-shirts that I haven't gone through since the eighth grade, you ask? Well, it all began, as most of my projects do, with a book. Ready to Wear: An Expert's Guide to Choosing and Using Your Wardrobe, written by Mary Lou Andre, to be exact. As a person who loves to be given guidelines for proper organization (priggish little pedant that I am), it's manna. Yeah, from there.So in a fury of enthusiasm I began. I've spent the last three hours sorting through every single thing in my closet. Some things surprised me (I have thirteen pairs of jeans, for one . . . o_O Who knew?) and some things didn't (I have way too darn many T-shirts). Anyway, prodigious digging and reminiscing and a bit of disgust at some of my teenage tastes (jelly shoes--gah!) ensued, and I finally reached the back of the closet, or should I say the sad-ripped-things graveyard. Adios, old high school t-shirts. You served me well, but it is time to say farewell (is it strange that I now have the chant "Now is the time, let her go in peace" chant from The Craft running through my head? Yeah, probably) Long may you . . . biodegrade.One more thing: I've decided to pitch the funeral dress. It just seems morbid to have it lurking around in the back of the closet, insidiously influencing things. Bad karma. BEGONE!! *does the closet-cleaning dance* Ahhhhh . . . I feel better already.To all those with messy closets: TAG, you're it!!

martedì 21 agosto 2007


Is it mean to want to ask the nice fundamentalist Christian bookstore lady if they by any chance carry Harry Potter? Future reference for those who owe me gifts (or just feel generous or something) We wants it, yes precious . . . . Is that not just the neatest thing since sliced bread? Methinks it is.

giovedì 16 agosto 2007

*is only doing this because bored*

1) Your HP nickname: Lady Relaynie mostly. To a few, Rey.2) Do you write fanfiction: Some.3) Draw fanart: Some. 4) Review much: not too much, no5) Read too many fics: no, I read just the right amount DUH6) Favorite house: no favorite7) Favorite Gryffindor student: the twins8) Favorite Slytherin student: Draco Draco Draco9) Favorite Ravenclaw student: Luna Lovegood10) Favorite Hufflepuff student: Hannah Abbott, I guess--Ernie and Justin get on my nerves.11) Favorite teacher: McGonaghall12) Favorite overall character: Draco Malfoy13) Favorite adult: Severus Snape14) Canon/fanon Draco: Both. I get frustrated with canon!Draco about as often as I get frustrated w/fanon. Fanon!Draco has things to do besides be Lucius, Jr., which is a Good Thing (tm). But Canon!Draco has the advantage of being the original.15) Canon/fanon Snape: Canon. I only like Fanon!Snape when I'm in the mood for pRon.16) Voldemort or Dumbledore: Dumbly-dore. Voldemort is racist bigot from hell.17) Cho, annoying or not: rather annoying (Madam Puddifoot's, anyone?)Shipping: 18) Your OTP: Draco/Harry mostly, but allows for Draco/just about anyone19) Other ships you sail: Draco/Ginny, Draco/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, Sirius/Remus, Harry/Luna20) Intruiging ships: Snape/anybody, Marauderfic, well-written anything, really.21) Disliked ships: um . . . Snape/Harry (unless very intelligently written), Harry/Hermione (too obvious), Percy/anyone (not happy with Percy at the mo).22) Ships hated with a passion (erm... this is optional :X): Bellatrix/anyone. Hello, she's a NUTJOB, not a pleasantly eccentric hottie.23) Het, slash or femmeslash: Het and slash. Not much femmeslash.24) H/Hr or R/Hr: Ron/Hermione, thanks.25) D/Hr or D/G: If I had to choose between them, Draco/Ginny all the way.26) H/D or H/SS: Harry/Draco OTP, but H/SS in certain moods.27) Older gen, younger gen or cross-gen: doesn't usually matterFanfiction:28) Canon or AU: Canon preferably, but AU if genuinely intriguing.29) Fluff or angst: full-on angst lover30) Darkfic: depends. a nice gothic mood is okay, bloodplay is not.31) OOC or IC: in-character unless there's a very very good reason for it to be otherwise.32) SuddenlyVeryPowerful!Harry: Passe but potentially entertaining33) One-shot or chaptered: depends how much time I have34) Novel-length: number one cause of sleepless nights35) Gen, het or slash: Dunno what gen is, but het or slash is great.36) Drabbles: love37) SuddenlyVerySexy!Draco: fun for everyone (but hey, isn't that an oxymoron anyway?)38) Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Immature NC-17. yep, that's pretty covers it.39) Canon or Fanon: both40) Many ships in one fic: eh . . . which ships?Books:59) Cried for Cedric: teared up, but didn't cryCried for Sirius: like a baby61) Dark or Light Side: light62) Did the explanation of the prophecy satisfy you: not really. it seemed like common knowledge, not a prophecy. I have complete confidence it will turn out to be more, however.63) Which character needs some more development: DRAAAAAACOOOOOOOOO!!! Make him evil, I don't care, just make him DO something! Give him a reason to exist, I beg you, Jo!Fanart:64) Favorite artist(s): lots of people. My absolute favorite picture of Draco EVER was drawn for the Draco Trilogy, and has the initials LMR on it. This artist has also done beautiful pictures of the twins and Bill. I think they might be on the HP Lexicon, but I could be wrong. 65) Favorite drawing style: realism appreciated, pencil, ink. not averse to other forms though.66) Love fanart of: scenes from the book, different characters, places67) Fanart Pet Peeves: no pet peeves as such. I don't much like anime or chibi drawings, but that's just me.68) Stick art. depends69) Shiny: never had a picture shine at me . . . *looks at author of quiz with weird look on face*70) Anime/Manga style: not much into, except occasionally71) Realism: love72) Cartoon: occasionally works3) Gen or shipped: Both. Misc.:74) Blaise's gender: I didn't care much before, and now that it's confirmed as Male, and I still don't care.75) Tom Riddle's eye colour: dunno, just dark76) Luna fan: I like Luna.77) OC's, done or not done: No. 78) Liking Weasley ships with 'Flame' or 'Fire' in the name: depends on the fic. Fire and Ice is D/G, right? Yes, that.79) Weasley love: the twins are fun together80) Malfoy love: Draco/anyone, baby. Lucius is a bastard and does not deserve love.81) Potter love: Lily/James, sure. Harry/Lily or James? no way.82) Is Lucius really 49: No. It says quite clearly in OotP that he is 41. (blushes as realizes that she sounds like a gigantic nerd, knowing that)83) Brilliant ship name (Don't need to ship it, though!): I don't know ship names . . .84) Plain stupid ship name: See above. 85) Voldemort. Bald. Yes or no: yes. if he's got hair it's done by Gollum's hairdresser.86) The power He-Knows-Not and the power that saved Harry is: I think it's love, possibly compassion.87) Your view on Hufflepuff-ies: I like Hufflepuffs . . . I think I AM a Hufflepuff.88) Should Ron say 'Bloody Brilliant' more then once?: in the movies? no. Repeat after me, Mike Newell: Ron does not have to say the word "bloody" in every film!89) Hermione. Pretty. Am I right: I think she's pretty in the way that nice people are pretty. Also, she apparently cleans up well enough (Yule Ball).90) Best HP fanfic ever: Draco Trilogy, by virtue of being the first I ever read . . . still the best.91) Rec the 2nd best, too: Urm . . .well, it's not necessarily the best, but I remember one Draco/Ginny. Something to do with grey sweaters. *loves*92) Did HP change your life dramatically: nah.93) Marauders. Like or dislike: ehm . . . dislike fifteen-year-old Marauders. Of the two currently remaining, I love Moony. Wormtail SUUUUCKS.94) Prongs, Moony, Padfoot or Wormtail: Moony. Padfoot. Don't know enough about Prongs at this point to like him.95) Could Lily have been an animagus too: I don't know why . . . she didn't particularly like the Marauders when they were learning it.96) What animal Lily would've been: I don't know . . . a fox?97) Did Harry pass his Potions' OWL's : I suspect yes, because he needs to remain in contact with Snape.98) Did Ron: I somehow don't think so.99) Is Harry going to die or will he survive: I think he'll live.100) What gives you the most warm fuzzies in your stomach in the whole HP-verse: in the whole HP-verse, movies included, I love Hogwarts at Christmas, the most.Bonus question: 101) Did you like this survey: yeah, I suppose.

Eowyn Challenge

PIMP.As a friend was kind enough to point out to me, my commitment to this makes me a dork. I readily agree. But as my mother said when I told her about it, "Hey, whatever works."

domenica 12 agosto 2007

Odd mood tonight

First, required reading.Second, I have always envied people who have "little black dresses" or their equivalent. They seem to be symbols of a woman's sexual power, a way of owning one's sexuality in a safe and controlled way. I do have a black dress, but my sexuality is (I hope) the last thing it symbolizes. Maybe I should tell you a bit about my dress.It belonged to my sister first. She wore it in High School, when she was the coolest person I'd ever known and the snappiest dresser since Madonna. When she went off to college, she left some of her clothes behind, most of which I unabashedly stole. She eventually stole them back, of course, but not that dress. It languished in the back of my closet, and I enjoyed the thought of having a "little black dress", even if I had nowhere to wear it. Fast forward to my senior year. The dress remained in the back of my closet, in an odd way mirroring my relationship with my sensual self. I was seventeen, studious, and antisocial (or so my mother said). It waited for a purpose . . . any purpose. And then it got one.My grandfather died in January, and my "little black dress", the only black thing I had to wear, was trotted out to serve as a funeral dress. Little did I know that a "funeral dress" was exactly what it would become. To date I have worn the funeral dress five times, and its conventional use has, for the moment, passed into the grey area that is my social life. It's really kind of funny, in a horrible way, how much that sums up my love life, really. Borne up on thin hopes and romanticism, only to die several coldly final deaths. Bloody Hell. I need a drink.

YUP (otp)

What DT pairing are you going to write?
Name DOB Favourite Color DT character #1 HarryDT character #2 Draco
This quiz by slanted_truth - Taken 13 Times.</a>New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

martedì 7 agosto 2007

Random Act of Livejournaling (otherwise known as spammage)

Watching Jack Davenport's character, Steve, become a father on Coupling is the sweetest thing I've seen in a loooooooong time. It was one of those shows that leave me squealing and grinning and hopping up and down in my seat like an idiot. I love those kind. Always have. Like the episode of Roswell in which Michael runs away from his abusive foster father and goes to Maria's house. Or near the end of the movie Nine Months when Hugh Grant walks around cradling his baby in a very fetching white T-shirt. Or when Arwen and Aragorn see each other for the first time since Rivendell at Aragorn's coronation in Return of the King. I get this rush of just . . . well, happiness and gushiness, I guess. Then I stop and think . . . damn, I really am a woman.And then I smile.

lunedì 6 agosto 2007

Meme meme memity meme (gacked from sincelastjuly

Wearing: new peach lacy pajamas from my grandmotherHair: just washed, wild woman of Borneo-ishMakeup: not a bitAte today: pickle, spaghetti, fish, corn, and lots of tea.Thing last said: "Does Peeky want to go sleep with Daddy?" to my dog, who loves my dadLast phone call: my great-grandmotherIn your bag: basic bag stuff, keys, wallet, cell phone, eyeglass casePlaying on your iPod: rub it in, why doncha?Desktop picture: picture of Jess and Joe from "Bend it Like Beckham"Last watched on tv: Thirsty Traveler "Gin Joint"Last website visited: my livejournalPlans for today: watch some guys ski on TV for 30 minutes (then it'll be tomorrow)Last thing bought: new makeup and Practical Magic DVDListening to: TVLast showered: about an hour agoLast Y!M: don't have Yahoo Mail . . . I know, but I like living under my rockLooking forward to: EnglandWorst part of the day: circling my grandmother's house trying to figure out a way to get in and let the dogs out to peeBest part of the day: seeing my christmas present from my grandmaFavorite person of the day: hottie boy who cut my grandma's grass without a shirt onThinking about: wine, funnily enoughCurrent annoyance: my perpetual unemploymentCurrent obsession: alcoholic beverages (but NOT to get drunk on, I tell you, NOT! Not even the rum . . . )Random TMI: I have bras hanging to dry in my room . . . did laundry todayFeeling: slightly headachyHearing: some guy make ginger ale snowcones with real snow . . . hope it wasn't yellow

giovedì 2 agosto 2007

It's SarDO! No Mr., accent on the -do !

Aaaaand . . . I've decided I'm mostly heterosexual, and completely normal also since no one is completely one or the other (I've heard, anyway). Took several heart-to-hearts, self-searching and a few memories of a certain male professor's fascinating and beautiful hands (and the resulting fantasies which made it VERY hard to concentrate on Brave New World) to figure it out, but I feel better about it now. Let's see, what else . . . the gay marriage amendment didn't pass, halleluiah. Reading Senator Boxer's speech on the subject made me proud to be an American for once . . . the world makes sense again. (for now anyway) Woohah! Also, I love Alton Brown. I have always loved Alton Brown. However, I love him infinitely more since I discovered his blog, and read about his anathema for Dr. Phil (which I share) and his belief that Martha Stewart is a bit of a hottie. *loves*He had to go to the hospital recently, poor lamb. But he's better now, and has motorcycle in tow. Fun. He's such a cutie.Also have discovered that I sort of dig the gray haired guy who invented the new vacuum thingie . . . you know, the one who "was vacuuming at home one weekend, and was really amazed at the lousy suction" ? I like gray hair on men . . . when did this happen? But yeah . . . Doug on Trading Spaces and Nick on the Stephen King movie "Rose Red" also. Heh.

mercoledì 1 agosto 2007

Semantics and gayness

(subtitled: actual semi-philosophical deep post for once *gasps*)Okay. I've been thinking about this for some time now, and I've decided to post about it. I have a question.How, exactly, does one know when one is gay?Like, if you reeeallly reeeaaallly like guys a lot, and think about them most of the time, but you sorta kinda occasionally have a thing for certain girls too . . . does that mean you're bisexual? Gay? Straight? Confused? (All of the above?)I keep going around and around about this, and I convince myself I've figured this out about myself, and then something happens to confuse me all over again.The deal is, I like guys. There is no doubt about that. I can spend inordinate amounts of time staring at pictures of them, and have been known to buy men's magazines on the basis of them being on the front cover. (*coughcough*Viggo Mortensen*coughcough*) I've been boy-crazy most of my life, always having a crush on somebody (until I got out of high school and realized there was a bit more to life, that is). I like watching Diego Luna gyrate on the Havana Nights trailer, and I strongly suspect that Pirates of the Caribbean would not be quite such a favorite were it not for Johnny, Jack, and Orlando, respectively.But. Occasionally, I find myself infatuated with particular women in movies. Parminder Nagra is one--I think she's just beautiful. I loved Bend It Like Beckham because of her, and I was excited when I found out she was in Ella Enchanted. (Incidentally, John Rhys-Meyers is hot in that as well, but while I like Keira Knightley as an actress, she doesn't do much for me. . . see my problem?) Also, there's a rather terrible Kirsten Dunst movie called Deeply that has this beautiful girl in it, who is sort of sad and exotic, and I'm fascinated by her. She's what I want to be. And . . . if I were ever to kiss a girl, she's the only one I wouldn't say "hell no" to. Jesus, confession time.Does that make me gay? Come on, Flist, help me out. (and anyone else who happens to be reading, of course). Whether you're gay, bisexual or straight, how did you know you were that particular orientation? I've heard from several people that they knew from a very young age, and I was definitely straight growing up. Then I started reading slash and now I'm all confused. Crap. If I was a man I'd just be gay and leave it at that.Summary: I definitely like men, but I'm starting to wonder if I like women too. Therefore, crisis. Help please.*waits for comments*

lunedì 30 luglio 2007

Return to the Land of the Living (more or less)

So I'm moved, finally. Made it from Point A to Point B with all appendages still attached, possible exception being my WALLET which has vanished off the face of the bloody earth, seemingly. Was most inconvenient as not only did I have to replace license, library card, and social security card, but I had about $23 dollars in there, damn it all! I blame it on the disarray of moving . . . also briefly lost medication (GAH!). Anyway, I'm here, I'm settled, I possess ID, and I have a door that shuts. Therefore, all is relatively right with the world.How am I enjoying living with my parents again? Sorta am, sorta not. Mostly not. Miss solitude and relative autonomy. Am enjoying DirectTV, though. Spent tonight's online energy downloading a livejournal client to this computer, therefore will sign off now. I'm sure I've been missed around here *scoff*.

venerdì 27 luglio 2007

Lots of random things

First: TOM FELTON HAS A BLOG! TOM FELTON HAS A BLOG!! *squee*Oh, and Tom? LOTS OF PEOPLE love the bad guy, hon. We just also like to see the bad guy get hit. Second: I swear Draco Malfoy took a holiday from the books to bring my groceries to my car today at the grocery store. Young kid, blond as all get out, pointy sort of face, unnervingly helpful. I kept waiting for him to grin evilly and call me a mudblood. Third: Have discovered an article in "People" about Hanson's new album. Plan to write a post innumerating the many things wrong with it in future; for now, "the author wouldn't know good music if it danced in front of him wearing Britney Spears' catholic schoolgirl outfit" will have to suffice. Now for RL: Temporary job is going well: I'm taking care of four papillons (Texas, Touche, Red, and Patch), one standard poodle (Toby), one German Shepherd (Cowboy), one chocolate lab (Puppy), one golden retriever (Honda), four terriers (Sally, Jessy, Annie, and Sissy), one very old, sweet dog called Lucky, one long-haired mop of a dog called Cully, two horses (Cody and Bentley), four pigs, several chickens, one very large rooster, two female rabbits, one male rabbit, eight baby rabbits, and one cow called Socks. *pants* I adore them all, but I don't adore the amount of dirt that finds its way onto me as I feed and water them. I've been averaging two baths a day for the last week. But I'll miss them when their owners return. About England: I've taken to calling the work I'm doing to make this happen "Project England". I got some bad news when my FAFSA came back: I don't get a damn thing because I've already got a BA. So BAH HUMBUG to that. I still really want to go, so if I get accepted, I'm going to take out a bitch of a loan and get a job or two ASAP to make it easier to pay off. I still need references before I can send off my application, but we'll see, eh? Hmm, what else? Uhhh . . . saw Shrek 2 twice last week. It's very cute. Oh, and I'm moving back in with my parents very soon, which will suck but what can yeh do . . . I wonder if its a sign of insanity to continue playing FreeCell in your head when you try to go to sleep? I hope not.

giovedì 12 luglio 2007

Lot's of memes (yes, I am boring)

Yay, new meme. Here's what to do:1. Take five books off your bookshelf. [Or on your desk, for the lazy]2. Book #1 -- first sentence3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph:My result:It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. We've never had so much as a bad-tempered bear in our woods. "It's a lovely sketch, Miss Moore. Wonderful composition, with the balance of the mirror and the woman, who is rendered in the style of the pre-Raphaelite brotherhood, I believe." Molochai started opening packets of sugar. And, grinning broadly at the look of horror on Uncle Vernon's face, Harry set off toward the station exit, Hedwig rattling along in front of him, for what looked like a much better summer than the last.Hee. There's a story in there somewhere, for the brave to work out. Books I used: Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen), Rose Daughter (Robin McKinley), A Great And Terrible Beauty (Libba Bray), Lost Souls (Poppy Z. Brite) 1. What time do you get up? Depends. I am currently on a sort of mandatory vacation (read: unemployed), so I wake up anywhere from 10 AM to as late as 2 some days. Lazy lazy lazy.2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? J. K. Rowling. 3. Gold or silver? I like silver best.4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Van Helsing . . . am I the only LJ user who really liked it? It would seem so.5. What is your favourite TV show? Smallville is the only one still on TV . . . add to that Angel, Buffy, Roswell, and those British sitcoms on late night OETA6. What do you have for breakfast? whatever I can find. cereal if there's milk, sandwich if I'm lazy (which is most of the time)7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? George W. Bush. *shudder*8. What/who inspires you? Strangely enough, being in the bathtub. I always get my best ideas soaking in the tub. Less frequently the same thing happens in swimming pools, so I guess it's the water.9. What is your middle name? Renee10. Beach, City or Country? country11. Favourite ice cream? strawberry12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? kettle corn (sweet and salty, yum!)13. Favourite colour? pink14. What kind of car do you drive? a granny car ('91 Pontiac Grand Am for the technical)15. Favourite sandwich? PBJ16. What characteristic do you despise? pigheadedness17. Favourite flower? roses 18. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? ENGLAND!! Alternatively, New Zealand.19. What colour is your bathroom? white walls, dark blue shower curtain (boring boring boring, but I didn't decorate it)20. Favourite brand of clothing? Whatever they sell at Wal-Mart (am chronically brokebrokebroke)21. Where would you retire to? ENGLAND22. Favourite day of the week? Sunday23. What did you do for your last birthday? shite, I don't remember . . . my family and I probably went out to eat or something24. Where were you born? Oklahoma25. Favourite sport? soccer (and yes it's because of Bend it Like Beckham, so sue me), gymnastics, figure skating26. What fabric detergent do you use? All Baby Care (I have sensitive skin)27. Coke or Pepsi? coke28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? very much a night owl29. What is your shoe size? 9W30. Do you have any pets? lots of dogs LiveJournal Haiku!Your name:ladyrelaynieYour haiku:broke my heart scene ofmalfoy and not at all iseem to keep doing thisUsername: Created by GrahameI love it!!!! And I wanna know how they knew about Malfoy, when I haven't mentioned his name once on this journal as of yet. Straaaaaange.

martedì 10 luglio 2007

Finale night SPOILER ALERT!!!

Anyone else not feel too sorry for Clark in this episode? He's such a whiny little bitch. I know I'm pro-Lex anyway, but this is ridiculous. Clark is the supposed hero, and all I seem to keep doing is rooting for Lex, which sucks because I have to keep reminding myself that HELLO, Lex is the villain! Hold on, it's back on. Ooh, this doesn't look good . . . SHIT! CHLOE! SHIT!!! LEX!! Ooh, naked Clark. DAMMIT! It's over.One more time: Lionel Luthor, you are a bastard. Crawl back into the hole from whence you came, and die alone and unloved like the piece of shit you are. OLD, ALONE, DONE FOR!! OLD, ALONE, DONE FOR!!!************************************Several nice quotes to be had (Harmony waxing wistfully lyrical about her heart, Lindsey and the "last mallomar in the box"). The sight of Spike mainlining liquor is strangely erotic . . . mmm *grin* And the POETRY READING . . . GUH . . . makes me love Spike all over again in new and different ways . . . if that's even possible.Innappropriately erotic . . . meh. Preaching to the choir there, Connor.Wow. So thats it then. They all die. Except Connor. And Lorne. Unless I missed something.And just like that, it's over. WAH.

domenica 8 luglio 2007

Because I'm easy (and weak) and curious and that (gacked from madlorivoldemort)

MEMeAGE:ladyrelaynieETA: Okay, the really scary thing about my color is that it's exactly the color my room is painted. Whoa.Wanna know your color? Do this: 1) Copy and paste this into your journal: [font color=yourusername][b]yourusername[/b][/font]2) Change the []s to <>s.Thank you and goodnight.

Because I'm easy (and weak) and curious and that (gacked from madlorivoldemort)

MEMeAGE:ladyrelaynieETA: Okay, the really scary thing about my color is that it's exactly the color my room is painted. Whoa.Wanna know your color? Do this: 1) Copy and paste this into your journal: [font color=yourusername][b]yourusername[/b][/font]2) Change the []s to <>s.Thank you and goodnight.

martedì 3 luglio 2007

UGH terrible day

Slept til noon, awakened by friend on telephone, did dishes for an hour (still not finished, o_O), got ready to go beg professors for references, and then all hell broke loose.I took my dog out to pee, and heard some cats meowing like crazy. Another lady and I went to look, and four kittens were trapped in a tire on my nextdoor neighbor's carport. They were all wet and pitiful looking, and one was lying on its side and not moving, and looked very very ill. I knocked on the door to ask the people who live there if it was okay if I took the kitties to an animal hospital or something. He said it was okay. Apparently they knew the kitties were out there, but were just going to leave them there. Mama Kitty was nowhere to be found, and the kitties were way too skinny to have been fed recently. Well, I took them out one by one, and the poor little things looked just awful. I got to the last kitty, picked him up, and OH MY GOD one of his eyes was filled with goddamn maggots, and he was limp. He was dead, and with the state of his eye, he was lucky to be that way. So I buried him under a tree, took the others to my house in a box, and tried to feed them some milk. They wouldn't take it, so we decided to take them to an animal hospital to see if there was anything they could do. The lady at the shelter said they were about ten days old. One of the remaining kitties had an infected eye, and they all had bits of their dead brother's infection on them *ACK GAG SPIT HURL*I don't think I will ever forget the sight of that poor little dead cat as long as I live, and even though the neighbor guy who answered the door was kind of cute, I refuse to contemplate being involved with someone who would have let those cats just sit there and starve to death. In his defense, he's new around here and maybe he didn't know where to take them. But GOD that was traumatic. I have a pretty strong stomach usually, but I've been ready to barf all evening. I really hope that doesn't turn up in my dreams. EW EW EW Anyway. Just had to get that out. ate pizza and watched "Peter Pan" with friend after that, then went to the park and walked around and played on the swings.Am afraid to sleep because of above incident, but am hoping to block out the memory soon. I think I'll get online and read some slash to get the image out of my head, but I have a suspicion that it's going to take Giant Squid/Blast-Ended Skrewt to jar this particular image loose. *smack self in head repeatedly*

martedì 19 giugno 2007

"If you wish for something hard enough, it happens!"

With a few more corrections to my online application, a lot of luck, a bit of faith, and generous financial aid, I just might be going to graduate school in England! *crosses fingers* University of Exeter to be exact. *squee*This is pretty much my statement of faith post. I'm hoping that if I announce my plans to the whole world, God or Fate or whichever higher being that deals with this kind of thing will realize that I'm serious about this unlikely dream of mine, and conspire to make it happen. pleasepleasepleaseprettypleasewithsugarontopohpleaaaaase! I've nearly finished my FAFSA, just waiting for one small thing. My online application to UOE only lacks reference letters, which I am going to go beg for tomorrow at my old University (while simultaneously heading to Wal-Mart to pick up RETURN OF THE KING YAY!). To save money (and to appease my sister, who I think is getting sick of having her little sister live in the same house, cramping her style and all that) I have decided to move back in with my parents, a circumstance that will have its good and bad points, as all decisions tend to have. If the end result is that I am in England by this October, I am willing to do anything. So there, world. I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of England . . .

domenica 17 giugno 2007

Things that made my day today

1. J. K. Rowling's new official website. My comments (and much squeeing) under the cut. Woohoo! More and more I adore this woman. She's answered lots of questions, yet didn't give away one jot more than she wanted to. Reminds me of Jane Austen, JKR, with her clever evasions and sense of humor. And YAY! Ginny's name isn't Virginia (not that that's a bad name, it's just one I've never liked). It's Ginevra, and Ginevra Molly Weasley sounds a hell of a lot better than Virginia Molly. Too bad about Bilius, though. Ooh, and too bad about Mafalda as well . . . the Weasley cousin. She sounds like a fun character. But the cut scenes broke my heart (scene of Malfoy and not at Malfoy Mansion--WANT) and now we know why Nearly Headless Nick is nearly headless. *grin* Most fun, and sure to generate a whole new crop of fanfic. *rubs hands together evilly* Good to know there's a clever Slytherin, too. (see Nott) I still dispute the assertion that Draco isn't smart, however. *is stubborn* And 2. Spending the day with my mother and going to see Van Helsing. My thoughts during the movie, in order:No Harry preview. BAH. Oooh, black and white. Angry villagers. KILL THE BEAST! KILL THE BEAST!! I guess the white-haired guy is Gaston. Is that Sam West as Dr. Frankenstein? Ooh, vampire is cute. GAAAH! Until he did that! Eek. Scary winged white things. AWW. Poor Frankenstein monster. Yummy! Love Hugh Jackman with long hair. NEAT!! Dr. Jekyll! Wow, Kate Beckinsale looks pretty. (gets lost in movie) DAVID WENHAM!!! Looking quite hot in spite of some serious hat hair. Eek! Winged vampires. Eek! Werewolves. Eek! Undead babies. Eek! Viscous substances! *grin* Loved the movie, all in all. Managed to keep my attention, which I swear had nothing to do with Hugh or David. Laughed quite a lot, but probably in places I shouldn't (like in the beginning, but the "Beauty and the Beast" flashback was very strong). I don't think I've ever seen an action movie in which the two main adversaries change into gigantic beasts for the final battle. One thing I hated was when Van Helsing killed Anna. I thought for a moment when Frank turned around on his boat as he rowed away that he would come back and give his life to Anna so there could be a happy ending, but no one asked me to write the script, did they? *glowers* And number 3 is the fact that I just spent 3 hours in the bathtub reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Am wrinkly, waterlogged, and very very content. I should spend Saturdays with my mother more often.

sabato 16 giugno 2007

About Everwood

I missed the first 40 minutes of it, but I gather from several sources that Madison is pregnant, and that Dr. Brown made her promise not to tell Ephram. First of all, poor Ephram. His very first sexual encounter results in a baby. BAAAD luck. Second of all, poor Madison. She is in NO way ready to raise a child. I see Madison as very scatterbrained, very flighty. She doesn't know exactly what she wants, so she just sort of goes along making decisions only when forced to, governed by her feelings and not her sense. Give an insecure 20-year-old and a 16-year-old a newborn child to worry about, and there goes the neighborhood. One more thing: what a smug git you are, Andy! And this is only if I'm right and she is pregnant, which I'm not sure about since I missed most of it. *pants* That being said, it is 3 in the morning and again I cannot sleep. This is getting to be a pattern . . . bad bad bad. Need a JOB like yesterday . . . especially if I'm going to make that idea I've been toying with happen in a sooner rather than later fashion.


Therefore, 1. What books are your comfort reading--the ones you slink back to in times of stress? The Harrys, mostly. Pride and Prejudice. I think "A Great and Terrible Beauty" is going to become a comfort book also.What was your favorite book as a child, and why? I don't remember why, but I really loved "Danny and the Dinosaur" by Sid Hoff when I was very young. What was your favorite book as an adolescent, and why? "The Silver Kiss" by Annette Curtis Klause, because I love vampires, especially blond ones. Read it when I was 14 and I still love it.What is the most unread category of books gathering dust on your bookshelf--the books you've bought but just never get around to reading? Hmmm . . . well, I don't usually buy a book unless I'm racking up insane charges at the library on it, but one book I bought and haven't read yet is "The Book of Three" by Lloyd Alexander. I'll get around to it someday.What kind of books would you like to say you read, but never do? Books by people like Herman Wouk and Thomas Wolfe, and also Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath. Again, I'll get around to them someday.What's the oddest book you've ever read? Almost all of the postmodern books I read for my Postmodern Novel class two years ago. I just don't get postmodernism.What book were you never able to get through,despite the recommendations of people you respect? Oh God . . . several. Um . . . Jude the Obscure, Catcher in the Rye, The Mill on the Floss, Watership Down, Frankenstein (I could go on).What's the book it took you a couple of tries to get into, but was as good as promised once you finally made it? The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I started The Hobbit four or five times, but kept getting hung up at the troll scene. The sixth time I kept at it, and loved it. Then I read Fellowship pretty easily, got stuck in the middle of Two Towers, then waited a long time before reading Return of the King (and oh was I glad I did).What's your favorite short story--or do you even have one? I have one. It's called "Argentine", it's by Ellen Steiber, and it's in "The Essential Bordertown: A Traveller's Guide to the Edge of Faerie", edited by Terri Windling and Delia Sherman. LOVE LOVE LOVEThe desert island. Three books (and collected works don't count. If you want the Lord of the Rings it'll cost you all three slots). Go:1. A Great and Terrible Beauty, Libba Bray2. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen3. Rose Daughter, Robin McKinleyYay, that was fun. And helpful . . . I'm actually tired now. Goodnight!

giovedì 14 giugno 2007

Recent shopping, idleness, and a contribution from my rich dream life

Spent way too much money recently on the Chamber of Secrets soundtrack, a Best of Bowie compilation album which ROCKS, and a Love Actually DVD. So YAY for graduation money. Still no jobs on the horizon yet, but I'm turning in an application tomorrow, and no newspaper is safe from my pawing little hands. I've been spending my days cleaning the house out of boredom, watching Dark Shadows videos and HGTV intermittently, and cooking strange and unusual things which I then eat sitting cross-legged in front of the TV. Tea is being consumed at an alarming rate, I've had lovely milk baths each week for the last three weeks, and my legs actually got shaved today.In other words, I am bored.I've been dreaming a lot, though, since I'm sleeping longer than usual. The other night I had a fucking fantabulous dream about Viggo Mortensen which I am going to share with you all because I'm nice like that. I think I'll use an LJ cut, though, to spare all those who don't really give a crap about my nocturnal fantasies. . . here you go.I was dreaming that I was climbing up a ladder for some odd reason with a friend of mine, and we were carrying an unconscious Viggo dressed up as Aragorn (like in TT), a circumstance about which we were oddly calm. We were discussing religion, of all things, and when we got to the top of the ladder, we laid Viggo down and went to sit in some armchairs. Viggo (having lost his Aragorn outfit on the way) followed and we sat down. Conversation:Me: Isn't is sad how people hate Christmas?Friend: You hate Christmas?Me: Not at all, I love Christmas, but some people don't.Viggo: I don't.Me: See?Friend: But it brings people from other religions together . . .(Viggo and I look at each other, confused)Friend: It's like a tri-religion holiday, there's something for everyone.Me: Not necessarily for everyone . . .(Viggo leans forward, trying to reach something behind me. I try to give him his space, but he stops, very close to me)Viggo: Red hair . . .Me: (surprised) Yes.Viggo: It's nice to meet you.Then he leans forward as if to kiss my cheek, so I turn my cheek so he can and close my eyes. He does kiss my cheek, but then he presses his lips very softly to my lips so quickly that the only way I know he did it is that I can still feel it when I open my eyes, and he's smiling crookedly at me. At which point I wake up from the shock of it.Eee. So yeah. I'll be back in if anything interesting happens in my life (not likely). Toodles!

mercoledì 13 giugno 2007

Death by Orlando Bloom

o_O(found on eiluned 's LJ)I don't much like the straight hair, but those black and white photos are beautiful. *drool* I'm all about the facial hair, though. *stares**drools**fantasizes*Oh yes, I forgot . . . *dies*

martedì 12 giugno 2007

Penny and me like to roll the window down . . .

WAAH . . . I can't sleep, so I figure I should come and gush about the new Hanson CD Underneath, as you do.*gushes*I'm so proud of them for forming their own label and releasing their music on their own terms . . . eat that, Island Def Jam! *makes rude gesture at Hanson's old label* Favorite songs: "Lost Without Each Other" and "Believe"SOOO beautiful . . . I've waited four years for new Hanson, and their new album came out the week after I graduated from college. Best present ever, IMHO.I really should go to sleep now. *dawdles*

venerdì 25 maggio 2007

Welcome to LiveJournal, Baby Girl!

Yeah, so I broke. I love my blurty, but all the journals I read are on LJ, so . . . gotsta move, don't I? To all those who want to know what finally made the difference: Cassie Claire, as usual. She knows Libba Bray. SHE KNOWS LIBBA BRAY! And so I must post and tell her how unimaginably cool she is. Hence LJ. Anyone who wants to read my previous journal can go to my original journal at the link works . . . I'm terrible at HTML.